Thursday, February 19, 2015

Morning Affirmations: Rainbow Love

Use the gentle, soft, newness of morning to introduce your soul and mind to positivity. This will set the tone of your day. I like to open with a prayer, say my affirmations and close with a brief 5 minute meditation on loving kindness for myself, family, community and the world. The whole process takes 10-15 minutes and it changes the way my day goes. Here's the script:

Dear God,
Bless this day. May we be glad in it and grateful for it and everything wonderful in it. I love you God. Open and use me Lord. 

Say affirmations. Such as the ones posted below. You can switch these up everyday. 

Meditation on loving kindness:
May I be well loved and at peace
May my family be well loved and at peace
May my community be well loved and at peace
May the world be well loved and at peace

As you say the words, send loving kindness to each (yourself, family, community and the world)

That's it! Try it and see how you feel. You can also give your morning process a name such as "pink" or "rainbow". A name that gives you good feelings. When you are stressed throughout the day simply think that word and recall your meditation time. You will relax.

Monday, February 16, 2015


As I work with affirmations this morning I am reminded of their power and strength.  As we awaken in the early morning and gently place these positive words in our minds, a shift happens. I began to feel lifted, energized and even lighter than before I said them. I also began to open my third eye, receiving visions for the day ahead and even psychic insights into life's work and mission! Affirmations are THAT POWERFUL. All you do is center your breathing and gently repeat the affirmation several times, allowing it to sink into your heart chakra and enter into your being and space. Really try to accept and believe the affirmation but it's ok if you don't, just saying it allowed a few times or silently will help your subconscious reflect on it and begin to accept it. As you do it more and more and even begin to write your own, a beautiful process will unfold of self discovery and spiritual growth and development! Try it and let me know how it goes! Best of joys as you go about your affirmations! I love you.

Here are some of my affirmations:
I am a light worker who loves to love.
I believe that love is everywhere!
There is no stopping love and joy!
Beauty exists in the here and now.
I can and will do my best always.
I am protected by God and the Universe always.
No harm can come to me because God and the angels watch over me always.
My home, car, friends and family are all protected my high guides, God and angels.
Joy lives in me today and everyday.
Faith always finds a way.
Strength is my co-pilot through life. Jesus is the Source of my strength.
Love is all there is.
Beauty is all I see.
My mind is positive because I focus on the gorgeous things in life.
I use cancel/clear/delete when fear sneaks up on me and it always works to get rid of it because it is not real.
Fear is false evidence appearing real.
I believe in miracles everyday.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

God Box

This is my God box. I have many things in here. I don't often open because I like for the energy to "sit and percolate" but when I do open magic happens: a Divine conversation. Today I added several prayers to my God box for friends and family and community. What else is in there? Here's a list of some items. Be creative when adding to your box. Anything goes!
Picture of Jesus Christ 
Tarot Card 
An old letter from my deceased BFF
Parable of the lost sheep picture
Dried rose petals 
St Dymphna card
Totem animal sheet
Spell cards