Saturday, January 16, 2016

Today: a prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,
Today let me remember to put You first in my life: mind, spirit and soul. May I come to You with all my decisions and with all my concerns. I declare that You, Lord Jesus, are the champion and Savior of my life. I gladly and gratefully give all victory to You. As I go along my day doing Your bidding, Lord, let me come from a place of service, love and compassion. May Your Truth be spoken from my tongue and may you temper my tongue and mouth and anoint it so that the words I speak today are only those of love, thoughtfulness and encouragement. Please bless my life, Lord, and the lives of my family members and friends. Let us all serve you to the best of our ability. May we each listen and hear your guidance today. Bless all of humanity today and help us to come together to create the world You would have us live in, Lord. May every person on Earth know You and come to love You in their own way, Abba. Today bless the relationship between man and You, glorious Father. Show each of us how much You love us and let us praise You in return! Bless all of creation Father for it is good! Set right what is now in the wrong and make clear the murky waters. For all of these blessings I am so incredibly grateful. Thank you, Lord. You are a good, good Father who loves all of creation so very much. I love, adore, praise and worship You! Today let us begin anew in love with Your son who saves us all. Today let us find hope, joy and peace in that. Today is everyday.
In Christ,

Morning Affirmations

Let Love

In all things, let love be your guide.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Which team are you on?

Join Team Light today. 
We send love and light daily to ourselves, family and friends and the planet (including plants, animals, bodies of water, crystals and all sentient things/beings). 
We optimize our own healing abilities by taking extra good care of ourselves. We can better care for others this way, too. This includes: drinking plenty of water, eating healthy, organic, fresh foods, exercising, getting plenty of rest, managing our time appropriately, being lovingly assertive and setting healthy boundaries, finding faith daily in a higher power and having a daily practice/devotional time set aside to recharge and connect (mornings are best for this).
Our mission is to love and remember who we are. We are all children of the Earth. We are all in Earth school learning valuable lessons about love, life, choices and accountability. Our free will is an exercise in choice. The result is an exercise in responsibility. Universally we share the master class of life and death. Love is a required course and we are graded based on our capacity to comprehend and accept unconditionally ourselves in relation to ourselves and every other thing we connect to. Once we exude kindness, compassion, friendship, understanding, etc. toward everything we encounter outside of us, we pass the love course. 
But there are many courses in Earth school. From learning love, astral travel, to keeping course with alternative galaxies, Earth school goes deep and meets you where you are. 
Does any of this sound familiar or interesting? 
We are a select, small group with powerful intentions about creating BIG changes and progress through the amazing miracles of teamwork and group effort. We will have group meditations, visioning sessions, writing workshops, group blog/group portal, and much more! 
Join TEAM LIGHT today!
Email: Leslie-