Saturday, April 4, 2015

Full Pink Moon and Lunar Eclipse

Today is 4/4 which in angel numbers means the angels are near and with you! Also, it is a lunar eclipse and the Pink Full Moon! It is time to release, release, release! Anything and everything that is no longer in your highest of good should be cord cut from your life for transmutation and releasement. Make a list of things and people you would like to see let go of. Then, bury the list, freeze it, burn it or flush it. Feel yourself cut the cords from those things and affirm that this is so. Today is a very intense day energetically so be gentle with yourself. It's also a great day to perform rituals and ceremonies as many shamans, wiccans, Druids and Lightworkers will be. Our intentions along with the Full Moon eclipse add energy to each other. So the ceremonies are magnified. Tomorrow will be Easter and is a good day to perform them too. Rest, drink lots of water and remember we are all in this together. Harness the energy for your betterment and for love. I'm praying for us all and I love you.